Your Story Hour Patterns of Destiny Series Volume 7

Your Story Hour Patterns of Destiny Series Volume 7

Publisher: Your Story Hour
Audio CD
Current Retail Price: $45.00
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This twelve CD album containing 24 dramatzied, audio stories of outstanding individuals who contributed to our society in various ways giving us examples for today. Some of the historical figures who are included in this album are: Joan of Arc, Albert Schweitzer, George Mueller, Florence Nightingale, Clara Barton, Louis Pastuer, Dwight L. Moody, and George W. Carver. (Each CD is approximatley one-hour in length.) Narrated by Uncle Dan and Aunt Sue.

Stories included:

CD #1
The Girl General: Joan of Arc (part 1)
Joan and the Dwarf: Joan of Arc (part 2)

CD #2
The Valiant Stepmother:John Bunyan story
Pilgrim'sProgress:Chirstian's walk through life

CD #3
The Boy Becomes the Man: Albert Schweitzer (part 1)
Oganga's Home: Albert Schweitzer (part 2)

CD #4
The Changed Life: George Mueller (part 1)
Man of Faith:George Mueller (part 2)

CD #5
The Angel of the Crimea: Florence Nightingale
The Man Who ConqueredPain: Discovery of anesthesia

CD #6
Two Girls in One: Clara Barton (part 1)
Angel of Mercy:Clara Barton (part 2)

CD #7
Solving the Riddle:Louis Pasteur (part 1)
Man Against Microbe: Louis Pasteur (part 2)

CD #8
Mad Dogs: Louis Pasteur (part 3)
TheStrange Case of Moody, Watch and Spy: Sir Wilfred T. Grenfell and his dog team

CD #9
DwightL. Moody, God's Man (part 1): Boyhood
DwightL. Moody, God's Man (part 2): Early years as an evangelist

CD #10
DwightL. Moody, God's Man (part 3): Moody's preaching & later years
Honest John:John Wanamaker—Honesty in business pays

CD #11
Carver's George: George W. Carver (part 1)
Why the Peanut? George W. Carver (part 2)

CD #12
Suicide Mission: Keith Agraves (part 1)
Prisoners of War:Keith Argraves (part 2)

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