William the Silent

William the Silent

by Nina Brown Baker
Publisher: Vanguard Press
©1947, Item: 93137
Hardcover, 271 pages
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"Has drama and balance; there is no distortion of history and no editorializing. The personalities are always real and human."The New York Times

William the Silent, liberator of the Netherlands, was undoubtedly one of the greatest figures of a colorful and exciting century; he was the leader of the Dutch in their struggle against Spanish tyranny, and he remains today one of the memorable heroes in the progress of freedom. Mrs. Baker has told his story simply, vividly, and understandingly.

More and more frequently one finds these biographies by Nina Brown Baker listed as suggested reading not only for teenagers, for whom the books originally were intended, but for all members of the family. For Mrs. Baker has had the rare perception to select as subjects outstanding figures of history who have made great contributions to their own lands and—in many cases—to the world, men about whom we all want to be informed but of whom our knowledge is apt to be sadly lacking.

from the dust jacket

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