When I Am Afraid

When I Am Afraid

by Edward T. Welch
Publisher: New Growth Press
Trade Paperback, 96 pages
List Price: $12.99 Our Price: $11.00

In a fallen world everyone knows fear. Focusing on the three most common forms of anxiety (money-related fears, fear of death, fear of other people), Ed Welch's 7-week study guide won't eradicate your fears entirely, but it will help you assume a more biblical approach to handling them and finding security and peace in Christ's strength and love. Built on principles explored in Welch's Running Scared, this guide is ideal for small groups, though individuals can use it as well.

The activities require sincere reflection and self-honesty as readers identify their primary fears and the investigate the appropriate Christian attitude toward them. Because it can be difficult to admit we're afraid of anything, and even harder to admit specific fears, Welch fills the text with encouraging Scriptures to help you come to terms with the often debilitating dread that oppresses all of us at some point. He doesn't offer complete freedom from fear—but he does present a biblical approach to it that will leave you free to pursue Christ and trust Him more fully.

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