Vocabulary, Spelling, Poetry I - Bundle

Publisher: A Beka Books
5th Edition, ©2008, Item: 93183
Curriculum Bundle
Used Price: $32.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Have your teaching prompts on hand as you present your lesson from the Language B Teacher Edition. Complete with a copy of the student book with answers inserted, this resource also includes the lesson notes and tips, detailed introductions to new concepts, and homework assignments. Quickly check your students work, answer their questions, and always be prepared as you present your language lesson to your class.


A Beka does not sell their materials to retail bookstores, preferring instead to sell their products through representatives and through their website. As a result, we can offer only used A Beka, and can't guarantee we'll get it. We offer here the current retail price of the book for your information, but if our page does not say "Buy Used," we do not have a copy.

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