Usborne Encyclopedia of World History with Internet Links

Usborne Encyclopedia of World History with Internet Links

by Jane Bingham, Fiona Chandler, Sam Taplin
Publisher: Usborne
Perfectbound, 416 pages
Used Price: $9.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

A reduced format edition of this comprehensive encyclopedia, tracing the extraordinary history of our world from the Big Bang to the Twenty-First Century. Includes all the major civilizations, rulers and events in world history, and paints a vivid picture of everyday life over thousands of years. Readers can immerse themselves in history via the 200+ recommended websites, from fighting The Battle of Waterloo or strolling the Great Wall of China. A selection of useful maps and pictures from the book are available to download free from the Usborne website, making this a valuable resource tool that is guaranteed to add an extra dimension to school work.

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