Trouble for Tomas

Trouble for Tomas

by Fraz Hutterer, Irene Schreiber (illustrator), Joyce Emerson (translator)
Publisher: Hale-Cadmus
©1964, Item: 88157
Library Binding, 121 pages
Used Price: $24.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Tomas lived in a small fishing village on the Danube in Yugoslavia with his mother and little sister. Ever since his father's death, his most treasured possession was Jascha, his donkey. Times were hard and Jascha helped to deliver fish so Tomas could earn some money. A horse dealer, who had also lent Tomas' mother money, wanted Jascha for his son, and forced his mother to give up the donkey in payment of the debt. Tomas was heartbroken and from then on he and his friends kept trying to get Jascha back. Not until two bears escape from a traveling circus is Tomas able to redeem Jascha.

from the title page

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