Their Island Home

Their Island Home

The Later Adventures of the Swiss Family Robinson

by Jules Verne, Cranstoune Metcalfe (Translator)
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
©1924, Item: 90097
Hardcover, 272 pages
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The story of the Swiss Family Robinson had always been incomplete until Jules Verne carried it on. In Their Island Home the thread of the story is picked up again and we are told of the rescue of Jenny Montrose, of the visit of the Unicorn, of the advances in civilization on New Switzerland, of further explorations of the island, with the many desperate adventures entailed, and of the capture of Jack by savages. Whether or not one has read the Swiss Family Robinson, it is hard to imagine a more fascinating tale of adventure than this story of the Robinson Family on their lonely island.

from the dust jacket

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