Student Bible Atlas

Student Bible Atlas

by Tim Dowley
Publisher: Augsburg Fortress
Saddle-stitched, 31 pages
Price: $12.99
Used Price: $8.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

The Bible is full of journeys—Abraham's epic journey from Ur to the land of Canaan, the Israelite's journey from slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land, and Paul's unique series of missionary journeys.

But what was Mesopotamia? Where did Moses cross the Red Sea? Why were so many battles fought across Palestine? Where was Golgotha—the place of the Skull? And where did Paul's ship founder on the voyage to Rome?

All of these questions are answered in this atlas, in which colorful, clear maps provide a readily accessible backdrop for the events in the Bible.


  • 30 full-color maps
  • an index of Bible places
  • clear explanatory text from the times of Abraham to the early church
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