Steve Schlissel

Steve Schlissel

"Born, bred and buttered" in Brooklyn, NY, Steve Schlissel married Jeanne in 1974, shortly before their conversion. Their wedding was performed by a rabbi and a priest in a Brooklyn synagogue, and they marched down the aisle to an organ arrangement of Led Zep's "Stairway to Heaven," which has now become their destination by grace. They have four daughters and one son, which they have home schooled. Steve has been the pastor of Messiah's Congregation since 1979, and is the overseer of Urban Nations, a dynamic mission to the immigrants in New York City, who represent every nation on earth. He has authored many articles which have appeared in numerous Reformed periodicals and books. He is also the editor of Messiah's Mandate, a newsletter available from Messiah's Congregation. He remains in New York because of its matchless mission opportunities and "peerless" pizza.

Source: A Covenant Media Foundation "featured speakers" page

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