Secrets of the Ica Stones and Nazca Lines

Secrets of the Ica Stones and Nazca Lines

Proofs that Dinosaurs and Man Lived Together

by Dennis Swift
Item: 39208
Trade Paperback, 144 pages
Current Retail Price: $14.00
Not in stock

In this book, Dennis Swift seeks to prove that the "primitive" people of South America were not Stone Age natives but were "wreckage" from a more advanced culture. In the process, he denies the UFO fantasies of Erich Von Daniken and develops a theory that the Pre-Columbian Indians were the remains of an advanced culture destroyed by the Genesis flood. The evidence of high intelligence is very prominent among the Inca artifacts (it details evidence that dinosaurs and man lived together, and that Peruvian Indians were doing amazing things—like flight and brain surgery—hundreds of years ago) and Swift does an excellent job of compiling the artifacts and presenting viable and cogent theories on how that evidence fits together.

In general, the book is more compatible with the Bible and does a better job of refuting evolution than many other mainstream ancient history books currently in print. It is also compelling and filled with interesting facts and photographs.

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