Ready Defense

Ready Defense

by Josh McDowell
Trade Paperback, 496 pages
Current Retail Price: $19.99
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Today more than ever, Christians need to be prepared to defend their faith. With an estimated 25 million participants in the New Age movement and the rise of new cults, Christians find their beliefs challenged on all sides - from doubts cast on the Bible's accuracy to the denial of Jesus' existence.

Josh McDowell is recognizsed as one of America's leading defenders of the faith. Now you can have the best of his research in one easy-reference volume. Inside you'll find the information you need on dozens of subjects in the categories.

  • the Bible and its reliabitiy
  • Answering the Bible's critics
  • Jesus - his humanity and deity
  • Christianity versus other religions
  • questions most asked about Christianity
  • the uniqueness of the Christian experience

You'll also find amazing evidence on archaeology, miracles, the resurrection of Jesus, creation, demons... and much more! Included is Josh's own story of how he as a confirmed skeptic came to believe inthe Christ whose existence he had challenged.

Whether you're a student, a scholar, or someone simply looking for answers, this book will hlep you know why you believe.

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