Reading Roadmaps Booklists

Plenty of parents have watched the Andrews' Teaching the Classics seminars and understand the value of a Socratic-method literature education, but aren't sure which books to start with. Reading Roadmaps presents extensive booklists for each grade level with lesson plans, reading schedules, and writing assignments to transform Teaching the Classics from a method into an actual curriculum.

The annotated booklists are based on Missy Andrews' hand-picked selections for grades K-12. These are mostly well-known classics, and each title is particularly suited to the Socratic method. Besides providing teaching tips, this guide tells parents how to assess students' written work, assign grades, and ensure students cover everything they need to know about Western literature.

We've teamed up with the Center for Literary Education to offer complete sets of the recommended titles in Reading Roadmaps at discounted prices and bundled by grade level. These are fantastic collections whether or not you're using Teaching the Classics, though the Andrews' program is certainly an excellent place to start your family's literary journey.

Reading Roadmaps is an important product. While Teaching the Classics and the Worldview Detective are both good starting places, this guide shows you how to implement the information in the lectures and discussions to reproduce your own discussions at home. For beginning literature teachers, the Reading Roadmaps guide is close to essential.

If you're confident you can teach the way Adam and Missy Andrews do without further guidance, consider using the titles in these booklists as your beginning point. The Andrews have put immense effort into Reading Roadmaps, and it’s a great place to start.

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