Pathfinder of the Seas

Pathfinder of the Seas

The Life of Matthew Fontaine Maury

by John W. Wayland
Publisher: Garrett & Massie
©1930, Item: 89914
Hardcover, 191 pages
Used Price: $15.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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The Pathfinder of the Seas: The Life of Matthew Fontaine Maury is a biography written by John W. Wayland about the life of Matthew Fontaine Maury, a renowned American naval officer, oceanographer, and cartographer. Maury is known for his pioneering work in oceanography and meteorology, and for his contributions to the science of navigation. The book chronicles Maury's life, from his early years in Virginia to his time as a naval officer, and his subsequent work as a scientist and educator. It explores Maury's groundbreaking research on ocean currents and winds, which led to the creation of the first maps of the ocean floor and the development of safer shipping routes. The book also delves into Maury's personal life, including his struggles with illness and his devotion to his family. Overall, The Pathfinder of the Seas is a comprehensive and engaging account of the life and legacy of one of America's most important scientific pioneers.

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