On Becoming Baby Wise - Book One

On Becoming Baby Wise - Book One

by Gary Ezzo
Revised & Updated Edition, ©2001, ISBN: 9780971453203
Trade Paperback, 224 pages
Current Retail Price: $12.95
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Scientists can put a man on the moon, but they can not answer the most basic question of early parenting: how to have a happy and contented baby who sleeps continually through the night like the rest of the family and a mother who is not in a perpetual state of exhaustion. Now, moms and dads need look no further than On Becoming Babywise.

Babywise is an exciting infant management plan that successfully and naturally helps infants synchronize their feeding, waketime and nighttime sleep cycles. Find out what one million grateful parents worldwide have already learned. Discover the positive prescription for curing sleepless nights and fussy babies. Recommended by doctors across the country.

Review by Amanda Evans

Idealist, former perfectionist, and now mother of five, Amanda Evans is also former co-owner of Exodus. Amanda's reviews focus on those items that matter to wives and mothers (which covers more than you might think!). Read more of them here.

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  This Helped Me, but I Prefer Other Resources
Amanda Evans of Oregon, 7/16/2011
There's a lot of hype surrounding Ezzo and the Babywise method. I didn't know any of that when I read it with my first baby and I found the advice in this book to be quite helpful in ordering our day.

The most important principle from this book is to feed your baby when he wakes up instead of nursing him to sleep. That way he will fall asleep when he's tired instead of being both hungry and tired and he won't rely on nursing as a sleep prop. Babies should be wakened when it's time to eat again because to regulate their sleeping/eating habits.

This advice worked for me and my son. I have no problems with milk supply so that wasn't an issue for me. And his tendency was to sleep too much in the day. When I learned to wake him up to eat, he was much more cheerful and slept better at night. When my son did wake up before it was "time" I gently trained him to go back to sleep and as a result he learned to both sleep and eat very well.

I know there are many people who have had terrible experiences with this book and I know that it is not a reliable source for any kind of medical advice, but I personally found it helpful.

However, Secrets of a Baby Whisperer gives pretty much the same advice only in a much more friendly, approachable manner. If you would like help teaching your baby to sleep and eat regularly or just want to know how to understand him or her, read that one instead of Babywise.