Man Against Mutiny

Man Against Mutiny

The Story of Captain Bligh

by Joyce Nicholson
Item: 92399
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During his stormy career, Bligh was faced time and again with rebels and mutineers against authority and discipline: as Captain of the ill-fated Bounty; in the Mutiny at the Nore; and as Governor of the unruly colony of New South Wales. Whatever the odds, he always stood for what he thought was right, and faced many a dangerous adventure with skill and fortitude.

Popular accounts have often presented him as a tyrant and a bully. Joyce Nicholson's retelling of his remarkable story shows how this injustice came about, and depicts not only his strong sense of duty, his iron will, and his flaring temper where rank disobedience was concerned, but also his love for his family and his personal interest and care for the men under his command.

from the dust jacket

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