Lewis and Clark for Kids

Lewis and Clark for Kids

Their Journey and Discovery with 21 Activities

by Janis Herbert
Trade Paperback, 143 pages
Price: $16.95
Used Price: $12.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: Louisiana Purchase, 1803-1806 A. D.

This book takes readers from President Thomas Jefferson's cherished vision of an exploratory mission across the North American continent through Lewis and Clark's three-year journey into unknown territory and their triumphant return. Twenty-one activities bring the journey to life.

  • Record history by drawing pictures on a winter count calendar
  • Stitch a pair of homemade moccasins
  • Distinguish and track animal prints
  • Speak in sign language
  • Stir up a batch of Great Plains Stew
  • Preserve, identify and label plants
  • Create a buffalo mask and dance rattle

A glossary of terms and listings of Lewis and Clark sites, museums, and related Web sites are also included in this fun, hands-on exploration of the Lewis and Clark journey.

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