How and Why Wonder Book of Rocks and Minerals

How and Why Wonder Book of Rocks and Minerals

by Nelson W. Hyler, Kenyon Shannon (Illustrator)
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
1973 Printing, ©1960, Item: 91669
Hardcover, 47 pages
Used Price: $3.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy


In an age of rockets and missiles, the study of rocks and minerals is no less important and in this colorful How and Why Wonder Book, we see why it is so important. We learn that our modern age of rockets would not even be possible without minerals from the earth's crust. We learn the answers to dozens of important questions about the earth's surface and the changes that take place in it.

Anyone who has ever picked up a rounded pebble, a curiously shaped rock or a sparkling gem and handled it with wonder knows the urge to collect. The chances are that almost everyone who has walked in a field, along a stream or in a park has pocketed a sample of rock or mineral to examine and enjoy later. What is it? How was it made? Is it valuable? This How and Why Wonder Book about rocks and minerals is useful because it helps to answer these and other questions. In addition, it tells how to start and how to organize a rock collection. It is a helpful guide for parents and children who want to study rocks together.

Scientists who study the earth's surface are called geologists, and this book will help children explore the big questions which geologists are studying. It surely should take its place with the other How and Why Wonder Books on the library shelves of all science-minded young readers.

Paul E. Blackwood

Dr. Blackwood is a professional employee in the U. S. Office of Education. This book was edited by him in his private capacity and no official support of endorsement by the Office of Education is intended or should be inferred.

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