House for My Name

House for My Name

A Survey of the Old Testament

by Peter J. Leithart
Publisher: Canon Press
Trade Paperback, 279 pages
Price: $21.00
Used Price: $12.00 (3 in stock) Condition Policy

The best stories subtly weave themes and characters and symbols into a stunning final tapestry. This Old testament survey, written for family and classroom reading, reveals that rich weave that makes Scripture the Story of stories, revealing and reminding that all of Scripture points to Christ.

"One of the most important lessons any Christian reader of the Old testament must learn in order to truly understand its message is its connection to the New testament. Jesus himself said that whole Old testament looked forward to His coming suffering and glorification (Luke 24:25-27, 44-48), but it is surprising how many ignore this crucial principle of interpretation. Peter Leithart has written A House for My Name with that lesson in mind. He not only gives us a first-class introduction to the Old testament in the context of its own time, but he also shows how all the Scriptures point to the ultimate object of our faith—Jesus Christ. I highly recommend this book."
Tremper Longman III

A House For My Name will lead you out of the house of bondage to Enlightenment reductionism that still holds our hermeneutic captive, helping you read, pray, and think like a Hebrew, and so understand the Word of God with both greater clarity and joy."
R.C. Sproul, Jr.

Table of Contents:

  1. Acknowledgements
    Introduction: The New Concealed
  2. Book of Beginnings
  3. Out of Egypt Have I Called My Son
  4. From Sinai to Shiloh
  5. The House of David and the House of Yahweh
  6. Walking in the Customs of the Nations
  7. The Last Days of Judah
  8. Exile and New Exodus
  9. Israel Dead and Reborn


    Author Index
    Scripture Index
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Exodus Rating:
Summary: Shows how the Bible isn't a bunch of separate stories, but a single story at the center of which is Jesus Christ.

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