Good Ship Red Lily

Good Ship Red Lily

by Constance Savery, Nedda Walker (Illustrator)
©1944, Item: 92993
Hardcover, 197 pages
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The story of a family of Purtian children at the time of the religious persecutions, in 17th century England, and of their escape to America in the Red Lily.

This story tells of a delightful family at the time of the religious persecutions in England, and of their escape to America. Old Sir Timon has never become reconciled to his son's change of faith and opposes the family's leaving England by every means in his power, even to kidnapping the children, and thereby hangs the tale. — Toby knew how to keep a secret, but when his father's plans go awry and the children are imprisoned in a tower, he knows someone has betrayed them. The attempts to escape, their frustrations, and final success make an exciting story told with charm and humor and with the delightful description one expects from Miss Savery.

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