Famous British Novelists

Famous British Novelists

by John Cournos, Sybil Norton
Item: 38813
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Illustrated with Old Prints and Photographs

Here we have not only portraits of the great British story-tellers but also literary surveys of their leading achievements. We learn about their personal lives which were so intimately related to their books. We also become acquainted with an endless gallery of intriguing characters, scarcely less famous than the authors who gave them life. What made Jane Austen the perfect craftsman she was, Dickens the greatest humorist in English, and Stevenson lovable to adults and a delight to the young? Was Conan Doyle anything like Sherlock Holmes? What was the nature of Thackeray's expansive world in contrast to the limited scene of the Bronte sisters? What is George Eliot's place in English fiction? Thomas Hardy's? Joseph Conrad's? These and other questions about famous British novelists and their writings are answered here factually, yet entertainingly, by two writers who are themselves novelists. A special chapter is given to novelists whose fame has come down through the generations, even though each has written only a single book.

One of the Dodd, Mead FAMOUS BIOGRAPHIES series.

For readers from 14 up.

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