Famous Authors for Young People

Famous Authors for Young People

by Ramon P. Coffman, Nathan G. Goodman
Publisher: Dodd, Mead & Co.
Item: 38812
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By the authors of Famous Explorers for Boys and Girls 
Photographs courtesy of Brown Brothers

This book aims to create for young people human-interest pictures of outstanding men and women authors. The selections have been made from several points of view. Some of the authors, Shakespeare, Dickens, and Scott, for instance, are recognized as among the greatest. Others, like Andersen, Lewis Carroll, and Kate Douglas Wiggin addressed many of their stories directly to children. Still others, among them Mark Twain, Burns, and Stevenson, hold an appeal for boys and girls by virtue of the human quality and dramatic events of their lives.

The purpose of the stories is to arouse in young people an interest in reading, not so much through a review of the facts about the authors concerned, as through a knowledge of the spirit with which they lived and worked, their childhood days, and their relationships with boys and girls of their own times.

With twenty reproductions from old prints and photographs.

from the dust jacket

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