
Joshua Eight to Ten Months

October 01, 2006 - November 30, 2006

Merry Heart
Joshua is so cute when he throws his head back and laughs!
New Bed
Grandpa Bob made this beautiful crib for us. It's solid and sturdy and the color perfectly matches the dresser and shelves in Joshua's room.
Thank You!
Thank you so much, Grandpa!
Just a little higher
I saw this and had to run for the camera to capture it!
Caught Red Handed
I had left his Cheerios open on the floor after breakfast and forgotten about them. When Joshua was quiet for a while, I went searching for him, wondering what he was up to. This was one of those moments where I had to take a picture before stopping him!
Happy Boy!
My cute, happy boy!
Sleeping with Daddy
Eli held Joshua on his lap while he worked. I guess it was close to nap-time.
Autumn Joshua

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