
Joshua Two to Three Months

March 24, 2006 - May 24, 2006

With Grandma
With Grandpa
Playing with Grandpa and Grandma Lyons
So many cute expressions!
What is more precious than a sleeping baby?
Reading in swing
We may not be able to force our kids to like reading, but we sure can encourage them from an early age!
Sleeping in swing
But reading is hard work when you're only two and a half months old.
Ten and a half weeks
But reading is hard work when you're only two and a half months old.
With Daddy
Playing with Daddy
Sitting Up
If he had more balance, Joshua could sit up on his own!
Sitting Up2
Tuckered Out
All tuckered out...
Joshua loves to stand up.
"Hmm." Learning the alphabet...
Three Months

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