

1/29/2009, reviewed by Eli Evans

Elliot Richards (Brendan Frazier) is a pleaser who fails miserably to be endearing to those around him. His "friends" try to avoid him and the girl of his dreams doesn't know he exists. Then the Devil (Elizabeth Hurley) shows up and offers him seven wishes in exchange for his soul. This smooth-talking, beautiful woman beguiles him into signing the contract (and tricks him out of his first wish) and Elliot sets about trying to wish his way into the perfect life. Along the way, he discovers that maybe the Devil doesn't really have his good at heart.

With an iffy (at best) worldview and some objectionable content (as you can guess by the cover) this is not on our recommended list. However, we did have some interesting discussion about how futile it is to put one's trust in the Devil.

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