Drumbeats in Williamsburg

Drumbeats in Williamsburg

by Isabelle Lawrence
Publisher: Rand McNally
©1965, Item: 54883
Hardcover, 224 pages
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Zing! The shot whistled across the road, just missing young Andy Small as he galloped into Williamsburg, where his mother had sent him to keep him from joining Washington's troops as a drummer boy.

But Williamsburg turned out to be anything but safe, with Lafayette trying to hold Cornwallis at bay with a handful of men, and presently the British occupation of Williamsburg itself. Andy, staying with his cousins, the Budges, finds danger enough and more than he had bargained for. He becomes involved with a Tory spy, meets General Lafayette, and carries an important message for him. When Cornwallis comes to Williamsburg, the Budges hide a runaway British drummer boy, and Andy uses his uniform to slip into the British camp. How he finally becomes a drummer for Lafayette, and how he takes a daring part in the Siege of Yorktown makes an action-packed, suspenseful tale reaching its climax with the surrender of Cornwallis.

As with Miss Lawrence's previous book, A Spy in Williamsburg, there is lively action and humor too in Andy's adventures. Filled with authentic details of colonial life, and illustrated with lively drawings by Manning de V. Lee, Drumbeats in Williamsburg brings to the reader a vivid picture of old Virginia in the fateful year of 1781.

—from the dust jacket

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