My Heart Lies South

My Heart Lies South

The Story of My Mexican Marriage

by Elizabeth Borton de Trevino
Publisher: Bethlehem Books
Young People's Edition, ©2000, ISBN: 9781883937515
Trade Paperback, 228 pages
Price: $14.95
Used Price: $10.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

"Shall I sing you a song about love?"

"Why yes," I agreed, thinking this must be a gag.

But Luis launched into Palm Trees Drunk with the Sun, went on to The Sea Gulls, and then sang The Green Eyes, in a light baritone voice.

"Very nice," commented the chauffer from the front seat. "Now sing Farolito."

He sang it. He sang all the way to Monterrey.

I didn't realize it, but I was being courted.

And so begins the adventure of a lifetime. Don Luis Trevino Arreola y Gomez Sanchez de la Barquera, a public relations director, is assigned to meet Elizabeth Borton at the Mexican border to escort the young American journalist to Monterrey. Neither one realizes how this meeting is about to dramatically alter their futures. It is the 1930s, the years following the painful ones of political turmoil for Mexico, and ones, for America, of increasing change in the role of women. On this first trip, Miss Borton comes to Mexico on a writing assignment for The Boston Herald. She returns to Monterrey a year later as Senora de Trevino, to chronicle the touching, sometimes hilarious, story of a thoroughly modern American woman who moves back in time to love and win the love of her new Mexican family. Originally written in the 1950s, this special young people's edition revives for the third millennium a story of an era and way of life now passed, but not to be forgotten.

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Summary: Beautifully written story of a Mexican/American family in the 1930s. Alternately touching and hilarious.

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  An Appealing View of Another World
HappyHomemaker of OR, 12/31/2011
I was given this book a little over a year ago, and have read it 9 times since (no, I am not exaggerating)! Her style is so engaging and humorous that it's fun to read over and over again. She gladly makes fun of herself when the occasion requires, and that is part of the appeal.
The book tells the story of an American woman living in a country and a century that I knew so little about, but is so fascinating! The author relates about the odd Mexican ways with such humor and fondness that it is hard to resist.
That said, there is one chapter that is unappealing because the author comes to believe, and wants the reader to believe, in the power of Catholic saints. I don't think it's a reason to not read the book, but just something to be aware of.