Beauty of Modesty

Beauty of Modesty

Cultivating Virtue in the Face of a Vulgar Culture

by David J Vaughan
Publisher: Cumberland House
Trade Paperback, 226 pages
Current Retail Price: $12.95
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"In light of the value God places on marriage and fidelity, immodesty is no small sin. It is not simply a silly and vain form of self-display. It is a snare to serious sin."

Modesty matters. But since the sexual revolution of the sixties, Americans have found it increasingly difficult to talk about modesty. We have instead become so desensitized to immodesty that the very notion of virtue seems almost to have been lost in the onrushing flood of sensualism.

In the face of this relentless trend, Diane and David Vaughan propose a Christian approach to this serious cultural problem. Defining modesty as "dressing, acting, or speaking with propriety, respect, and moderation," they present an approach to modesty that is solidly rooted in Scripture, rather than culture, that shows what modesty is and what it is not, why modesty is so important, and what must be done to nurture modesty in our families and churches.

The authors are not content to blame society. Rather, they insist that the problem has worsened because churches and families are doing very little, if anything, to instill an ethic of modesty in children, teens, and adults. Written largely for a Christian audience, The Beauty of Modesty is a valuable resource for pastors, educators, youth workers, and parents who are fighting the immodest onslaught that threatens to overwhelm us.

Table of Contents:

    Preface: Modesty Matters

    Part I: The Need for Modesty
  1. The Right Approach
  2. Worldview and Wardrobe
  3. The Cultural Captivity of the Church

    Part II: The Nature of Modesty
  4. A Biblical View of the Body
  5. Modesty and the Law of Christ
  6. Robes of Righteousness
  7. Women Professing Godliness
  8. The Hidden Person of the Heart

    Part III: The Nurture of Modesty
  9. Hearth and Home
  10. In the Courts of the Lord
  11. Present Your Bodies

    Afterword: Modesty and Men
    Appendix: Modest Proposals
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