Lieutenant's Lady

Lieutenant's Lady

by Bess Streeter Aldrich
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
©1942, Item: 55837
Hardcover, 275 pages
Not in stock

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When Linnie Colsworth came from the East to visit relatives in Omaha, she was plunged into a wider, more hazardous world than she had ever known. In the wake of the Civil War, land seekers were pouring into the West and displacing the Indian tribes. Although Omaha was beginning to put on social airs, Nebraska was still a raw territory. Not one to take shelter and spend her days sewing and serving tea, Linnie traveled up the Missouri to deliver a "Dear John" message to her cousin's fiancé, a handsome lieutenant--and in a wink became the wife of this stranger. They came to love and trust each other, and their survival on the frontier required nothing less, and a good deal more, from them than that.

This harrowing story is based on the diary of an actual army wife who recorded the daily weather - internal and external.

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