Life of Fred: Pre-Algebra 2 with Economics

Life of Fred: Pre-Algebra 2 with Economics

by Stanley F. Schmidt
Hardcover, 288 pages
Price: $39.00
  • Domain and codomain of a function
  • Conversion factors
  • Steps in Solving Word Problems
  • How Not to Bore Your Horse If You Are a Jockey
  • One-to-one Functions
  • Unit Analysis
  • Key to a Successful Business
  • Five Qualities that Money Should Have
  • the Tulip Mania in Holland
  • Definitions of Capitalism
  • Socialism and Communism
  • Payday Loans
  • the Tragedy of the Commons
  • Partnerships
  • Cardinality of a Set
  • Four Ways to Kill Competition
  • Freedom vs. Liberty
  • Why We Have a High Standard of Living
  • Tariffs
  • Demand Curves
  • Venn Diagrams
  • Ricardo’s Law of Comparative Advantage

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