Ramona's World

Ramona's World

by Beverly Cleary
Publisher: HarperCollins
Trade Paperback, 208 pages
Price: $7.99
Used Price: $3.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Ramona Quimby is sure fourth grade will be "the best year of her life, so far." She can show off her calluses from swinging on the rings in the park, sit across the aisle from the boy she calls Yard Ape, and enjoy her cheerful new teacher, Mrs. Meacham. Most exciting of all, Ramona has a new best friend, Daisy.

Fourth grade doesn't turn out quite the way Ramona has hoped. Mrs. Meacham wants her to improve her spelling. Ramona also must be a good role model for her baby sister, Roberta. And Mrs. Quimby wants her to spend more time with, the super-perfect Susan. Fourth-grade life isn't always easy, but it's full of adventure, and at the end of it all- a "zeroteenth" birthday to celebrate!

Ramona's world is expanding, and it doesn't revolve as much around her family as it used to. There's a new girl in fourth grade, Daisy Kidd, and she and Ramona are best friends. Mrs. Quimby is staying home again, taking care of baby Roberta, and Ramona is trying to be a good role model for her little sister, while sharing her mother's attention. Now in High School, Beezus has new friends, too, and is interested in boys. Even as baby Roberta arrives, the older Quimby sisters are developing new interests.

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