Meaning and Mode of Baptism

Meaning and Mode of Baptism

by Jay E. Adams
Publisher: P&R Publishing
Trade Paperback, 56 pages
List Price: $7.99 Our Price: $5.00

This small study presents a case for sprinkling or pouring as the mode of Biblical baptism, as opposed to immersion, and answers objections. He makes the point that mode cannot be separated from meaning. It does make a difference whether it is death, burial and resurrection (as symbolized by immersion), or the descent of the Holy Spirit into the Christian's life, bringing cleansing from sin and union with Christ (as symbolized by pouring) that God intended to portray through baptism. The correct meaning can only be communicated by using the correct mode of baptism.

Table of Contents:

  1. The Meaning of "Baptizo"
  2. Origin of Ritual Baptism
  3. The Baptism of Christ
  4. The Holy Spirit and Water
  5. Baptism into Christ
  6. Cleansing From Sin (Purification)
  7. Objections
  8. Other Cases in Point
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
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