Workbook VI - Test/Quiz Key

Workbook VI - Test/Quiz Key

Publisher: A Beka Books
Softcover Teacher Guide / Answer Key, 73 pages
Current Retail Price: $18.45
Used Price: $11.00 (5 in stock) Condition Policy

Have you found all the corrections that your teen should have made to the quiz or test sentences? Never have to wonder with this time-saving parent’s companion to Workbook VI for Handbook of Grammar and Composition Quizzes/Tests (sold separately). The key includes a copy of the student quiz and test book with the answers and point values supplied. Though the grammar tests could be used on their own, the tests for Workbook VI for Handbook of Grammar and Composition are designed to be given in conjunction with the literature tests for English Literature so that the point values for both together equal one test grade. The same four bonus documents that are in the student quiz and test book are also included, providing you with an extra copy for easy reference.


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