Danger to Windward

Danger to Windward

by Armstrong Sperry
Publisher: John C. Winston
1st Edition, ©1947, Item: 87978
Hardcover, 241 pages
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"You may be sticking your head into a byke of wasps!"

With this phrase ringing in his ears, Hugh Dewar turned anxious steps toward the house on the moor. Well he might, for had he known that he would find his uncle and cousin thieves as well as near murderers, he might never have entered that house of mistrust. Hugh Dewar would have missed many an adventure at sea on he ship Good Intent if he had not gone to seek his inheritance that night, and he would never have Skip from Beacon Hill nor Rimatara of the South Seas. But he did go, and his story is the story of adventure on the sea in a Nantucket whaling ship, captained by the man who was his worst enemy, Davy Macy, So

"Come all young men both near and far,
Who love the briny seas
When you're aboard a whaling ship,
Don't think you're at your ease!"

"Lower away" into one of the best sea stories you've ever read!

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