Created to Be His Help Meet

Created to Be His Help Meet

Discover How God Can Make Your Marriage Glorious

by Debi Pearl
Trade Paperback, 295 pages
Current Retail Price: $13.95
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"Somewhere over the passing years and changing culture, women have lost their way. This book is written to lead them back home. Regardless of how you began your marriage or how dark and lonely the path that has brought you to where you are now, I want you to know that it is possible today to have a marriage so good and so fulfilling that it can only be explained as a miracle." — Debi Pearl

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  Created To Be His Helpmeet
OrWife of Oregon, 12/19/2009
This is a wonderful book. I recommend this to any engaged or married lady. As well as anyone wanting to understand marriage better. She speaks plainly, and to the point. I have given out many copies of this book to all types of wives. Many have had relationship problems with their husbands.

I disagree with some of the other reviews, this book does not promote wife abuse. You could only say it supports abuse, if you believe that the God supports violence in the home (he does not). This book has only brought sweet peace to my family, as well as many, many friends.
  My Marriage Has Changed!!
Changed of Oregon, 10/16/2008
Since reading this book, I have begun understanding my husband more, and enjoying him for 'who' he is, and the position God has placed him in, rather than on how 'good' he is. One week after I began applying the principles in this book, my husband wrote me a letter which states, "...It gives me so much peace to see the change already from the book, "Help Meet." It makes me want to live up to a higher calling because my wife is seeking to please God and her husband... Thanks for being my help meet. I love you" Yes... my marriage has changed, and is constantly getting better since I've applied these principles to my life!
  Just the Book To Justify Wife-abuse!
A Woman of UK, 10/16/2008
Another blow against women and women's rights - this time telling us to submit to any and all abuse, apparently because God says we should. American fundamentalism at its demented, wild-eyed worst.