Covered Bridge

Covered Bridge

by Cornelia Meigs, Marguerite de Angeli (Illustrator)
Publisher: Macmillan
©1936, Item: 92974
Library Rebind, 145 pages
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Constance, a little girl from Gloucester goes to spend the winter in Vermont with Sarah, her aunt's old housekeeper. In 1800, the Green Mountain country was rough country and Constance found much to make her visit exciting and interesting.

With Peter, Sarah's grandson as a playmate she had many good times at the farm, which spread over the sloping hillside. They ran down through the bridge "with the roof on it" over the river to the district school. There they learned interesting stories of old Vermont, some of them from Ethan Allen himself when he visited the school one day.

It was a happy busy winter. Even when the spring floods brought serious problems to the little community, the children found new adventures and real ways to help.

Cornelia Meigs loves Vermont and spends her summers on her farm in the Green Mountains. She has found a special pleasure in writing this new book of the part of the country whose beauty and rich historical heritage she knows so well.

—from the dust jacket

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