Christian Light Math - LightUnit 301

Christian Light Math - LightUnit 301

Sunrise Edition, Item: 66084
Consumable Workbook
Current Retail Price: $4.95
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Math LightUnit 301 reviews concepts that should be adequately mastered in order to succeed in Math 300. It can be used as a diagnostic tool.

The remaining LightUnits review previously taught concepts in Math 200 and introduce new skills and concepts in incremental, continuously reviewed steps. We teach the metric system simultaneously with the U.S. system of measurement. Students acquire a full understanding of both systems.

Addition/subtraction flash cards and multiplication/division flash cards are required for this course. By the end of the course, students should have memorized the multiplication tables up to 10.

Each LightUnit incorporates a theme into its daily story problems, adding a practical component to math. Themes in Math 300 include insects, cooking, the ocean, and a family vacation to Yellowstone National Park.

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