Christian Father's Present to His Children

Christian Father's Present to His Children

by John Angell James
Publisher: Soli Deo Gloria
Hardcover, 416 pages
Current Retail Price: $25.00
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John Angell James (6 June 1785 - 1 October 1859), was an English Nonconformist clergyman and writer. He was born at Blandford Forum. After seven years apprenticeship to a linen-draper in Poole, Dorset, he decided to become a preacher, and in 1802 he went to David Bogue's training institution at Gosport in Hampshire. A year and a half later, on a visit to Birmingham, his preaching was so highly esteemed by the congregation of Carrs Lane Independent chapel that they invited him to exercise his ministry amongst them; he settled there in 1805, and was ordained in May 1806. For several years his success as a preacher was comparatively small; but he became suddenly popular in about 1814, and began to attract large crowds. At the same time his religious writings, the best known of which are The Anxious Inquirer and An Earnest Ministry, acquired a wide circulation.
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