Grosset & Dunlap Signature Books

Signature Books are a series produced under the general editorship of Enid Lamonte Meadowcroft and published during the 1950s and 60s. This series provides easy to read, exciting (and factual) stories based upon the lives of historical figures. Though written simply enough for young readers, they make interesting reading for boys and girls well into their teens.

Enjoy these fast moving adventures about heroes and heroines your own age, who take part in famous historic events. Every story is told by a top author, against a carefully checked, authentic background of fact; each book is illustrated by a well-known artist, with drawings, detailed map endpapers, and full color covers.

The 51 Signature Books originally published are out of print, but we believe that they offer better quality reading than many series of today, and are worth finding, collecting, preserving and—most of all—reading. They could be compared to the U.S. and World Landmarks published by Random House, Childhood of Famous Americans by Bobs-Merrill, and the We Were There series, also from Grosset & Dunlap.

  1. Buffalo Bill by Edmund Collier (1952)
  2. Christopher Columbus by Nina Brown Baker (1952)
  3. Davy Crockett by Enid LaMonte Meadowcroft (1952)
  4. Thomas Alva Edison by Enid LaMonte Meadowcroft (1952)
  5. Benjamin Franklin by Enid LaMonte Meadowcroft
  6. Ulysses S. Grant by Jeannette Covert Nolan (1952)
  7. Lafayette by Hazel Wilson (1952)
  8. Robert E. Lee by Iris Vinton (1954)
  9. Abraham Lincoln by Nina Brown Baker (1952)
  10. Florence Nightingale by Margaret Leighton (1952)
  11. Louis Pasteur by Alida Sims Malkus (1952)
  12. George Washington by Jeannette C. Nolan (1954)
  13. Andrew Jackson by Enid LaMonte Meadowcroft
  14. Theodore Roosevelt by Winthrop Neilson (1953)
  15. Daniel Boone by William O. Steele (1955)
  16. Kit Carson by Edmund Collier (1953)
  17. George Washington Carver by Arna Bontemps (1954)
  18. Good Queen Bess by Alida Sims Malkus (1953)
  19. Joan of Arc by Jeannette Covert Nolan (1953)
  20. John Paul Jones by Iris Vinton (1953)
  21. Pocahontas by Shirley Graham (1953)
  22. Marco Polo by Olive Price (1953)
  23. Mark Twain by Joan Howard (1953)
  24. Mad Anthony Wayne by Hazel Wilson (1953)
  25. Clara Barton by Olive Price (1954)
  26. General Custer by Margaret Leighton (1954)
  27. John J. Audubon by Joan Howard (1954)
  28. Crazy Horse by Enid LaMonte Meadowcroft (1954)
  29. Stephen Decatur by Iris Vinton
  30. Leif Ericson by William O. Steele (1954)
  31. Stephen Foster by Esther M. Douty
  32. Martha Washington by Jeannette Covert Nolan
  33. Amelia Earhart by Adele de Leeuw (1955)
  34. Mozart by Helen Kaufmann (1955)
  35. Louisa May Alcott by Joan Howard (1955)
  36. Thomas Jefferson by Earl Schenck Miers (1955)
  37. Annie Oakley by Edmund Collier (1956)
  38. Dwight D. Eisenhower by Arthur J. Beckhard (1956)
  39. Franklin D. Roosevelt by Lorena A. Hickok (1956)
  40. Winston Churchill by Alida Sims Malkus
  41. Beethoven by Helen Kaufmann
  42. Robert Louis Stevenson by Joan Howard (1958)
  43. Dan Beard by Robert N. Webb
  44. Geronimo by Jim Kjelgaard (1958)
  45. Helen Keller by Lorena A. Hickok (1958)
  46. Madame Curie by Alice Thorne
  47. Edith Cavell by Iris Vinton (1959)
  48. Eleanor Roosevelt by Lorena A. Hickok (1959)
  49. Haydn by Helen L. Kaufmann
  50. President Kennedy by Iris Vinton
  51. Jacqueline Kennedy by Alida Sims Malkus
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