Opal Wheeler Great Musicians Series

The Wheeler & Deucher composers' series from the mid-20th century are ideal for 3rd-6th grade children but are likely to be enjoyed by all family members, whatever their age. Each work includes an amazing amount of history, biographical material, and music. Separate study guides and MP3 CD-ROMs are available for each one. The CD-ROMs include audio files of each composer's works and printable sheet music & coloring pages (based on the books' illustrations).

For those of you who love the Great Composers Series, you will be happy to know that Zeezok has recently reprinted four more titles in the series: Paganini, Master of Strings; The Story of Peter Tschaikowsky; Peter Tschaikowsky and the Nutcracker Ballet; and Adventures of Richard Wagner. This brings the total number of Opal Wheeler reprints to 16. Zeezok is also working on a two-part curriculum that incorporates these biographies with activities and audio recordings. Look for these in the coming months (and years?)

There are currently sixteen reprinted titles in this series. Here they are, in chronological order:

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Opal Wheeler Great Musicians Series
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