Carole Thaxton

Unsure of her Christianity while at Beaver College, now Arcadia University, Thaxton finally accepted the Lord, becoming a Christian.  She later graduated from Syracuse University with a bachelor's degree in biology and education and a master's degree in counseling.  From Syracuse she took a position at the Devereux Foundation as a counselor.  After marrying her husband Charles, the family lived in Massachusetts, Texas, and California before moving to Eastern Europe and settling in Prague for six years.

While still in the U. S. when her son was six, Thaxton decided against sending him to public school for first grade.  With the intent to homeschool, she prayed for a friend to walk that path with her.  Jessica Hulcy also had a young son, and together the two women authored a Bible-based unit study curriculum for their children.  From this KONOS was born.  As they traveled, Thaxton introduced parents and teachers to the KONOS approach to education

Thaxton and her family were in the Czech Republic when Charles was diagnosed with radical cancer and had to return to the United States for treatment.  They settled in Georgia where he now continues to teach at the KONOS Academy he co-founded with his wife.  Thaxton directs the Atlanta area KONOS Academy, also creating KONOS Junior and KONOS Kids.  As a help to parents and other educators, she gives seminars.  An author of books as well, Thaxton penned Learn to Write the Novel Way and Write Your Roots.  She continues to reside and teach in Georgia.


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Learn to Write the Novel Way
by Carole Thaxton
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Writing Curriculum for 5th-12th grade
in Konos Writing (Location: WRI-SING)