Best in Children's Books #20

Best in Children's Books #20

Item: 27540
160 pages
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Charming children's stories by various famous authors, including "Babar the King," "American Folk Rhymes and Chants," "Our Nation's Capital," a tale by the brothers Grimm, and many more!

Table of Contents:

Babar the King
Jean de Brunhoff
Peary, Hero of the Great White North
Smith Burnham
American Folk Rhymes and Chants 58
Bottles, Bottle Tops and Soda Pop
Mary Elting
Our Nation's Capital
Gladys Schwarcz


The Quiet Mother and the Noisy Little Boy
Charlotte Zolotow
Away Goes Jonathan Wheeler
Marjorie Flack
Little Two Eyes
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
The Legend of the Inchcape Rock 117
Pete the Parrakeet Finds a Friend
Irma Simonton Black
Let's Visit Yugoslavia 156
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