Best in Children's Books #19A

Best in Children's Books #19A

Item: 78086
160 pages
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Please note that most copies of these books do NOT include the dust jackets. Without, we typically charge $4 and this price will be manually adjusted when you order. If you particularly want copies with dust jackets, please call to confirm the copy has one!

Rip Van Winkle 1
Washington Irving

The Post Captain: Sir Peter Bombazoo 37
Charles Edward Carryl

Bluebonnets for Lucinda 45
Frances Clarke Sayers

Mr. A and Mr. P 63
Margery Williams Bianco

When the Root Children Wake Up 75
Helen Dean Fish

Rufus Moffat's First Day of School 85
Eleanor Estes

I Want to Be an Animal Doctor 108
Carla Greene

Shells of Land and Sea 117

How Morse Sent Letters by Lightning 125
Smith Burnham

Hunt for Unburied Treasure 135
Hal Burton

Let's Visit Canada

Dust Jacket (same edition):

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