John Wain

John Wain
Born on March 24, 1928, in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England, Wain later graduated from St. John's College, Oxford, having earned a bachelor's and a master's degree.  At Oxford he was tutored by C. S. Lewis, but Wain didn't share Lewis's conservative socials beliefs nor did he enjoy penning fantasy.  Wain tended toward the unconventional in his works and further emphasized this trait by using lower-case letters for his book titles.  His first novel appeared a few years after he graduated from Oxford, and Wain also became prolific in writing poetry.  This author, poet, and critic penned plays, short stories, biographies, and reviews for newspapers and then radio.  Too, Wain taught rhetoric and poetry while being a freelance journalist and author.  He passed away on May 24, 1994.


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