

by Betsy Cromer Byars, Richard "Dick" Cuffari (Illustrator)
Publisher: Viking Press
Hardcover, 119 pages
Used Price: $3.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Alfie only feels comfortable when he’s drawing comics in the attic—but soon his safe haven will be off limits

Alfie is perfectly content to spend his time drawing alone in the attic. Nobody bothers him, and he has his door sealed tight against interruption. Up under the roof, he illustrates amazing cartoon strips about heroes and space adventures, from “Super Caterpillar” to “Super Bird”—even though his own life is anything but exciting. One day, Alfie’s mom calls him from the attic to tell him his older brother Bubba will be moving home and will take over the attic as his own apartment. Suddenly Alfie’s private world is turned inside out, and he’ll need to find a new “home,” even if that means spending time around his weird, argumentative family. 

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