Grand Papa and Ellen Aroon

Grand Papa and Ellen Aroon

by F. N. Monjo, Richard "Dick" Cuffari (Illustrator)
1st Edition, ©1974, ISBN: 9780030120916
Library Binding, 58 pages
Used Price: $4.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Nine-year-old Ellen Wayles Randolph describes her relationship with her grandfather, Thomas Jefferson.


Not every little girl has a Grand Papa who is a statesman, writer, architect, inventor, astronomer, and amateur gardener. But Ellen Aroon has. And her Grand Papa's name is Thomas Jefferson.

Sometimes Ellen Aroon visits her Grand Papa at his country home, Monticello. Other times she and her family go to see him in Washington, where he works. There they stay in the White House, because Grand Papa is president of the United States. Although he's always busy with Indians, foreign ambassadors, and American statesmen, Grand Papa finds plenty of time for his grandchildren.

To Ellen Aroon, Grand Papa would be the smartest man in the whole world even if he wasn't the president. But be- cause of Grand Papa, Ellen Aroon is one of the very first American children ever to enjoy that special French dish—ice cream!

This is the very warm, personal story about Thomas Jefferson and his favorite grandchild, Ellen Wayles Randolph. With the craftsmanship and flair that has become his hallmark, F. N. Monjo creates an intimacy in Grand Papa and Ellen Aroon seldom found in the biographical form.

This is a Junior Literary Guild selection, chosen as an outstanding book for boys and girls (E Group).

from the dust jacket

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