Stepping Heavenward

Stepping Heavenward

by Elizabeth Prentiss
Publisher: Barbour Publishing
Mass market paperback, 341 pages
Current Retail Price: $5.99
Used Price: $3.20 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

From the author of the beloved hymn "More Love to Thee, O Christ," this newly released classic rings true for today's women, young and old.

"How dreadfully old I am getting! Sixteen!" writes Katherine in her brand-new journal on January 15, 1831. Her heartfelt words mark the start of your own unforgettable journey following Katherine as her life unfolds from sweet sixteen to her grown-up later years. As she learns that true happiness is found in giving oneself to others, you, too, will be immeasurably encouraged to step heavenward—to live with greater godliness, humility, tranquility, and hope.

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