Aunt Jane's Hero

Aunt Jane's Hero

Portrait of a Christ-Centered Home

by Elizabeth Prentiss, Susan Hunt (Foreword)
Publisher: Calvary Press
Mass market paperback
Current Retail Price: $5.95
Used Price: $3.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Aunt Jane's Hero was first published in 1871. With vivid pictures of live and character, its object is to depict a home whose happiness flows from the living Rock, Christ Jesus. It protests also against the extravagance and other evils of the times, which tend to check the growth of such homes, and aims to show that there are still treasures of love and peace on earth, that may be bought without money and without price.

Every woman needs an Aunt Jane, and through her books, Elizabeth Prentiss becomes Aunt Jane for us all. Her godly wisdom and her charming wit transcend time and place. She is the quintessential Titus 2 woman.

Whether you are at the beginning or well along the way in your marriage journey, Aunt Jane's Hero will encourage you. Married or not, this book will equip you to be an Aunt Jane to other women.

Aunt Jane's Hero is a book you'll want to read over and over again, and each time, you'll find new encouragement and a deeper understanding of the godly home.

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