Danny Dunn and the Voice from Space

Danny Dunn and the Voice from Space

by Jay Williams, Raymond Abrashkin, Leo Summers (Illustrator)
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
©1967, Item: 81960
Library Rebind, 158 pages
Used Price: $6.40 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

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It is a dark August night at the Grendel Observatory in England. The bright lights, giant disk, and criss-cross girders of the world's largest radio telescope loom eerily into the black sky. Inside the Observatory, Professor Bullfinch, Dr, Hubert Badger, and Dr. Miller hunch over a special computer, awaiting the first message from outer space. Meanwhile, outside in the cool night, Danny Dunn and his friends Joe and Irene can only peer in through the window, for they have been forbidden to enter the laboratory....


Professor Bullfinch has created a radio telescope ("dish") for the government which will try to determine if extraterrestrials are trying to contact Earth. When Danny sneaks into the observatory, he hears non-random sounds coming from space. He then must figure out how to translate the sounds.

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