Danny Dunn and the Universal Glue

Danny Dunn and the Universal Glue

by Jay Williams, Raymond Abrashkin, Paul Sagsoorian (Illustrator)
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Library Binding, 160 pages
Used Price: $12.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Danny Dunn and the Universal Glue! What is that popular science fiction hero, Danny Dunn up to now?

Well—one fine, sultry day, Danny and his old friends, Irene and Joe, go fishing and Danny falls in the stream. He doesn't mind the wetting, but he does mind the strange taste of the water. Since his mother chairs the Citizens Committee on the Environment, Danny decides to tell her about it. Mrs. Dunn suspects that it might be caused by waste from a new factory. But she needs evidence, and the owner, a hot-tempered man she dreads facing, has refused to let her group have samples.

In the meantime, Professor Bullfinch has developed an experiment with a new polymer compound. When Danny upsets it accidentally, investigation reveals that the material is a marvelous new adhesive with an affinity for water.

Only Danny would think of how to put both his experiences to work. The consequences are sometimes startling, but they provide fine fun, science, and excitement in this new adventure.

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