Clockmaker's Son

Clockmaker's Son

The Good and the Beautiful Library Level 5
by Jenny Phillips
Trade Paperback, 190 pages
Current Retail Price: $12.99
Used Price: $7.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Fritz is fourteen years old and already dreams of being famous. Although he loves his family, he wants nothing to do with his father’s farm or clockmaking business. His dreams of grandeur are only heightened when he gets lost in the woods and befriends a family with more material wealth than he is used to. Then one unexpected event changes everything. Penned with beautifully descriptive style, The Clockmaker’s Son tells the story of one honorable young man as his sacrificing family, good friends, a newfound faith in Christ, and fierce determination help him turn his life around when it seems darker than he could have ever imagined.

The Clockmaker’s Son is part of the Level 5 Book Set and is integrated into the Language Arts Level 5 course.

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